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Personal Inventory:



Subject By Item AutoBiography Defining Focus


Neighborhood--Association President successfully gained crosswalk and speed humps by following proper channels, Member GTCC, initiated and completed process of revising governing documents and properly filing, maintained community continuity and connection during COVID  

PROFESSIONAL: Analyze, Write, Socialize, Teach, Research, Learn, Be Aware of Trends, Exist on a News Media Fast, Allow Other Areas Balance, Sales, Marketing, Present, Manage, Create

PERSONAL: Read, Write, Study Guitar and Music Theory, Golf, Shop, Socialize, Spend Time with Family, Theatre, Art, Exercise, Travel, Be a Kind Person, Manage Home Renovation and Decorating, Attend Speaker Series, Student at Akimbo The Marketing Seminar, Fashion, Food, Cook, Clean, Laundry, Garden, Research, Attend Church, Relaxation, Spiritual Growth, Support Networks Around Me (friends, family, neighbors, community)

FAMILY: Care for Family (husband, children, parents, cousins, pets)--Clean, Feed, Organize, Assist with activities (classes, company, my husband's volunteer events, babysitting, birthday parties), Plan Events, Plan Travel, worry about my parents, offend family members by being direct and uncomfortably honest at times while managing my own personal boundaries, Encourage/Foster Relationships with Extended Family (this runs deep and wide, we live simply so it is easy to connect with people), Research, Learn

Care for Home--Run Errands, Clean, Cook, Organize, Manage Projects, Purchase Furniture, Paint, Art Projects, Garden

Care for Children--aka SPEND TIME WITH--, Maintain a schedule, provide allowance, Clean, Cook, Organize, Errands, Plan Events, Research Management, Maintain Medical Care, Prevent too much tv time, force kids to go outside, play with friends in person and be in nature, manage food consumption--make sure they are offered healthy foods and that the food is easily accessible

Care for Cat--our cat looks like an ancient one with her white body and striped black tail. I change her litter and brush her and take her to the vet but my family manages her too.

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